Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Alan Simpson is a Major Asshat

Alan Simpon, former Senator of Wyoming:
"The irony (is) that the veterans who saved this country are now, in a way, not helping us to save the country in this fiscal mess," said Simpson, an Army veteran who was once chairman of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee


Saturday, November 15, 2008

KSA, nice place to visit, hard place to leave

I've been here since last Friday and while KSA is pleasant enough it is a bit boring. Things get exciting when you try to leave.

KKIA (RUH) has all the charm and efficiency of an Indian airport -- like Bangalore. In fact, you could be forgiven for thinking you were in India with all the Indians and Bangladesh hanging around the place. Now, admittedly, it is a lot nicer (cleaner, more amenities) but you wouldn't know it from the departures ticket counters. Upstairs, at the gates, it seems more like a modern airport that you expect.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Blogwriter test

Test of blogwriter.

Saudi Good Eats

Posted with LifeCast


From every direction rise the ecstatic screams of the Damned. Lights flicker on and off as the shadows leap about, wildly flinging themselves from wall to wall. In the midst of intoxicated revelry, some sit calmly, but even their passions struggle to run free. As the cacophony builds, even the staid feel their non-existent pulses race. Here all is abandon. Here anger and fury rule the dark like twin lions, ready for the kill. Here frenzy reigns.

Lorem Ipsum

Etiam euismod sapien ac nisi. Proin imperdiet. Nam cursus neque sit amet felis. Fusce mi massa, hendrerit ac, lacinia at, dictum et, magna. Proin turpis. Proin sed mi. Quisque eu eros ac eros sollicitudin blandit. Pellentesque ante. Curabitur adipiscing posuere odio. Cras euismod. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum est nisl, vulputate at, pretium ut, commodo eu, turpis. Maecenas dui dui, porttitor vel, vestibulum vel, volutpat vel, erat. Suspendisse potenti.